Desktop Themes


Greetings and salutations, visitor!!! This is my personal website, a small comfort zone I've created as a way of expressing myself and trying to casually exist online. I grew up on old flash games and ripped DS cartridges, and while I don't remember too much of the old web, a part of me is still nostalgic for it. You might notice this site mixes and matches parts of old Win98, DSi and other stuff owing to my unreliable memory. Once in a while, I may also decide to add new doodads to make it more fun, so check back time to time!

This website is best viewed on desktop on 1920 x 1080 resolution, and some features may not work on mobile. Although this site is mostly sfw, it is managed with an adult audience in mind. some content will be marked with warnings, so please browse at your own discretion.




click OK or Apply to apply the selected settings to windows 98.



(3/15/2025) completely overhauled homepage, added more planned pages in the navigation.

(10/10/2024) added the about me page


hi!!! im puppy, your run-of-the-mill recluse and the webmaster of this site. I like collcting socks, so if you lost a pair it was probably me lol. click on hamtaro to view my about me page ->